

Base URL

Welcome to UpKeep's Edge API! You can use the Edge API to access your sensor data, manage sensors, create alerts, and much more! Essentially, anything you can do in the Edge web application, you can do with the API.

The Edge API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail.

Reponse format

  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "array"
  "data": [
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "companyId": null,
      "deviceProvider": "upkeep",
      "deviceTypeName": "UpKeep Vibration",
      "vendorDeviceTypeId": "95",
      "deviceTypeId": 2,
      "companyId": null,
      "deviceProvider": "upkeep",
      "deviceTypeName": "UpKeep Temperature",
      "vendorDeviceTypeId": "2",

All responses will be standard JSON with two keys: meta and data. The meta key includes information about the data (e.g. whether it is a single object or an array of objects) while the data key includes the actual data.


# The colon prevents curl from asking for a password.
curl \

The Edge API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and create / refresh your API keys on the API tab of the Edge Dashboard. Note that if you refresh your API key, all previous API keys will be invalidated.

API Keys are company specific. In other words, all users across your company will use the same API Key.

Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas.


Edge uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

In general: codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error occurred due to the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, a resource is not authorized for writes, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Edge's servers (these are rare).

Example error codes with messages:

Error Code Message Description
400 Bad Request There was a problem with the input you submitted.
401 Unauthorized Your API key is missing or invalid.
404 Not Found The resource you requested does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong on our end. Try again later.

General concepts

The Edge API data structure centers around devices (devices). Devices are typically sensors, but they can also include gateways and anything else that regularly collects and transmits telemetry data. Each device must have a device type (deviceType). The device type specifies whether a device is an UpKeep native device or a custom device, the type name (e.g. "Vibration"), as well as some optional information about the make and model of the device. The device type also maps to certain device properties (deviceProperties). Device properties specify what a device measures, such as humidity, temperature, X-Axis vibration speed, etc.

Devices generate device readings (deviceReadings). Each device reading includes (i) the id of the device that generated the reading, (ii) the timestamp of the reading, (iii) the device property (i.e. what was measured), and (iv) the reading value. Device readings are grouped by timestamp to create time series datasets.

Devices can be associated with alerts. Alerts check device readings and trigger incidents anytime a device reading is over or under a specified threshold.

Device types

The device type specifies whether a device is an UpKeep native device or a custom device, the type name, as well as some optional information about the make and model of the device. A device type is also associated with device properties (more on device properties below).

The device type object

  "deviceTypeId": 1,
  "companyId": null,
  "createdAt": "2021-02-24 16:17:49.927239-08",
  "deviceProvider": "upkeep",
  "deviceTypeName": "UpKeep Vibration",
  "vendorDeviceTypeId": "95",
  "vendorName": "Monnit",
  "vendorModel": "Vibration Meter",
  "vendorSku": null,
  "deviceProperties": [
      "devicePropertyId": 1,
      "createdAt": "2021-02-24T16:17:49.927239-08:00"
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageName": "xAxisSpeed",
      "propertyName": "X-Axis Speed",
      "unit": "mm/sec",
      "vendorPropertyId": "0",
      "devicePropertyId": 2,
      "createdAt": "2021-02-24T16:17:49.927239-08:00"
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageName": "yAxisSpeed",
      "propertyName": "Y-Axis Speed",
      "unit": "mm/sec",
      "vendorPropertyId": "1",


Property Type Description
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifier for the device type.
companyId integer Unique identifier for the company associated with the device type.
createdAt string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the device type was created.
deviceProvider string Will be one of two values: upkeep for native UpKeep device types or custom for user created device types.
deviceTypeName string The name of the device type.
vendorDeviceTypeId string Optional. Vendor provided unique identifier for the device type.
vendorName string Optional. The device type maker.
vendorModel string Optional. The device type model.
vendorSku string Optional. The device type SKU.
deviceProperties array of objects An array of device properties associated with the device type. See below for more detail.

The device properties object

Device properties specify what a device measures, such as humidity, temperature, X-Axis vibration speed, etc. Device properties are always associated with a particular device type. Consider a vibration sensor that measures vibration speed along X, Y, and Z axes. That vibration sensor could have a device type of "Vibration" and device properties of "X-Axis Speed", "Y-Axis Speed", and "Z-Axis Speed".

  "devicePropertyId": 1,
  "createdAt": "2021-02-24T16:17:49.927239-08:00"
  "deviceTypeId": 1,
  "messageName": "xAxisSpeed",
  "propertyName": "X-Axis Speed",
  "unit": "mm/sec",
  "vendorPropertyId": "0",


Property Type Description
devicePropertyId integer Unique identifier for the device property.
createdAt integer ISO 8601 timestamp. When the device property was created.
deviceTypeId integer The device type with which the device property is associated.
messageName string The name for the device property as it appears in the device readings JSON payload sent to the Edge API.
propertyName string The human friendly name for the device property.
unit string The unit for the device property.
vendorPropertyId string Optional. Vendor provided unique identifier for the device type.

Create a device type


curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "deviceTypeName": "Custom Vibration",
  "vendorDeviceTypeId": "83kn3k",
  "vendorModel": "XP-7",
  "vendorName": "Acme",
  "deviceProperties": [
      "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
      "messageName": "xAxisVib",
      "unit": "mm/sec"
      "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
      "messageName": "yAxisVib",
      "unit": "mm/sec"
      "propertyName": "Battery level",
      "messageName": "batteryLevel",
      "unit": "pct"
      "propertyName": "Signal strength",
      "messageName": "signalStrength",
      "unit": "pct"


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "deviceTypeId": 4,
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-02-26 14:49:32.984284-08",
    "deviceProvider": "custom",
    "deviceTypeName": "Custom Vibration",
    "vendorDeviceTypeId": "83kn3k",
    "vendorModel": "XP-7",
    "vendorName": "Acme",
    "vendorSku": null,
    "deviceProperties": [
        "devicePropertyId": 15,
        "deviceTypeId": 4,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "xAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec",
        "createdAt": "2021-02-26 14:49:32.984284-08"
        "devicePropertyId": 16,
        "deviceTypeId": 4,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "yAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec",
        "createdAt": "2021-02-26 14:49:32.984284-08"
        "devicePropertyId": 17,
        "deviceTypeId": 4,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Battery level",
        "messageName": "batteryLevel",
        "unit": "pct",
        "createdAt": "2021-02-26 14:49:32.984284-08"
        "devicePropertyId": 18,
        "deviceTypeId": 4,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Signal strength",
        "messageName": "signalStrength",
        "unit": "pct",
        "createdAt": "2021-02-26 14:49:32.984284-08"

HTTP Request


POST body parameters

Parameter Type Description
deviceTypeName string The name of the device type.
vendorDeviceTypeId string Optional. Vendor provided unique identifier for the device type.
vendorName string Optional. The device type maker.
vendorModel string Optional. The device type model.
vendorSku string Optional. The device type SKU.
deviceProperties array of objects An array of device properties associated with the device type. See below for more detail.

Device properties parameters

Parameter Type Description
messageName string The name for the device property as it appears in the device readings JSON payload sent to the Edge API.
propertyName string The human friendly name for the device property.
unit string The unit for the device property.
vendorPropertyId string Optional. Vendor provided unique identifier for the device type.

Get device types


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "array"
  "data": [
      "deviceTypeId": 5,
      "companyId": 1,
      "deviceProvider": "custom",
      "deviceTypeName": "Custom Vibration",
      "vendorDeviceTypeId": "83kn3k",
      "vendorName": "Acme",
      "vendorModel": "XP-7",
      "vendorSku": null,
      "createdAt": "2021-03-03 15:18:37.741569-08",
      "deviceProperties": [
          "devicePropertyId": 22,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "xAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec",
          "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
          "devicePropertyId": 23,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "yAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec",
          "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
          "devicePropertyId": 24,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "Battery level",
          "messageName": "batteryLevel",
          "unit": "pct",
          "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
          "devicePropertyId": 25,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "Signal strength",
          "messageName": "signalStrength",
          "unit": "pct",
          "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"

HTTP Request


Query parameters

You can filter device types using the following (optional) query parameters:

Parameter Type Description
deviceTypeName string Optional. The name of the device type.
vendorDeviceTypeId string Optional. Vendor provided unique identifier for the device type.
vendorName string Optional. The device type maker.
vendorModel string Optional. The device type model.
vendorSku string Optional. The device type SKU.

Get a device type


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-03 15:18:37.741569-08",
    "deviceProvider": "custom",
    "deviceTypeName": "Custom Vibration",
    "vendorDeviceTypeId": "83kn3k",
    "vendorModel": "XP-7",
    "vendorName": "Acme",
    "vendorSku": null,
    "deviceProperties": [
        "devicePropertyId": 22,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "xAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec",
        "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
        "devicePropertyId": 23,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "yAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec",
        "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
        "devicePropertyId": 24,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Battery level",
        "messageName": "batteryLevel",
        "unit": "pct",
        "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
        "devicePropertyId": 25,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Signal strength",
        "messageName": "signalStrength",
        "unit": "pct",
        "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"

HTTP Request


URL parameter

Parameter Type Description
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifier for the device type.

Delete a device type


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
      "deviceTypeId": 5,
      "companyId": 1,
      "deviceProvider": "custom",
      "deviceTypeName": "Custom Vibration",
      "vendorDeviceTypeId": "83kn3k",
      "vendorName": "Acme",
      "vendorModel": "XP-7",
      "vendorSku": null,
      "createdAt": "2021-03-03 15:18:37.741569-08"

HTTP Request


URL parameter

Parameter Type Description
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifier for the device type.


Devices are the heart of the Edge platform. Devices are typically sensors, but they can also include gateways and anything else that regularly collects and transmits telemetry data.

The device object

  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "deviceId": 6,
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-04 15:56:40.93147-08",
    "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #10",
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "heartbeat": null,
    "updatedAt": null,
    "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
    "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
    "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
    "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
    "vendorDeviceId": "531l2mkZ"


Property Type Description
deviceId integer Unique identifier for the device.
companyId integer Unique identifier for the company associated with the device.
createdAt string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the device was created.
deviceName string The name of the device.
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifier for the device type with which the device is associated.
heartbeat integer Optional. The interval at which device will transmit readings.
updatedAt string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the device was updated.
upkeepCoreAssetId string Optional. Unique identifier for the asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreAssetName string Optional. The name of the asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationId string Optional. Unique identifier for the location associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationName string Optional. The name of the location associated with the device.
vendorDeviceId string Vendor provided unique identifier for the device.

Create a device


curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "deviceTypeId": 5,
  "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #10",
  "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
  "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
  "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
  "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
  "vendorDeviceId": "531l2mkZ"


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "deviceId": 6,
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-04 15:56:40.93147-08",
    "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #10",
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "heartbeat": null,
    "updatedAt": null,
    "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
    "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
    "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
    "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
    "vendorDeviceId": "531l2mkZ"

Note that all devices have to be associated with a device type. This means if the appropriate device type does not exist, you'll need to create it prior to creating the device.

HTTP Request


POST body parameters

Parameter Type Description
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifier for the device type associated with the device.
deviceName string The name of the device.
heartbeat integer Optional. The interval at which device will transmit readings.
upkeepCoreAssetId string Optional. Unique identifier for the asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreAssetName string Optional. The name of the asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationId string Optional. Unique identifier for the location associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationName string Optional. The name of the location associated with the device.
vendorDeviceId string Vendor provided unique identifier for the device.

Get devices


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "array"
  "data": [
      "deviceId": 1,
      "companyId": 1,
      "createdAt": "2021-03-03 15:18:37.754004-08",
      "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
      "deviceTypeId": 5,
      "heartbeat": null,
      "updatedAt": null,
      "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
      "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
      "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
      "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
      "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
      "deviceType": {
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "deviceTypeName": "Custom Vibration",
        "deviceProvider": "custom",
        "vendorDeviceTypeId": "83kn3k",
        "vendorName": "Acme",
        "vendorModel": "XP-7",
        "vendorSku": null,
        "deviceProperties": [
            "devicePropertyId": 22,
            "deviceTypeId": 5,
            "vendorPropertyId": null,
            "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
            "messageName": "xAxisVib",
            "unit": "mm/sec",
            "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
            "devicePropertyId": 23,
            "deviceTypeId": 5,
            "vendorPropertyId": null,
            "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
            "messageName": "yAxisVib",
            "unit": "mm/sec",
            "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
            "devicePropertyId": 24,
            "deviceTypeId": 5,
            "vendorPropertyId": null,
            "propertyName": "Battery level",
            "messageName": "batteryLevel",
            "unit": "pct",
            "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
            "devicePropertyId": 25,
            "deviceTypeId": 5,
            "vendorPropertyId": null,
            "propertyName": "Signal strength",
            "messageName": "signalStrength",
            "unit": "pct",
            "createdAt": "2021-03-03T15:18:37.741569-08:00"
      "alerts": null,
      "deviceReadings": [
          "deviceReadingId": 1808,
          "messageId": 402,
          "readingValue": 56,
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:20:15.414-08:00",
          "devicePropertyId": 25,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "Signal strength",
          "messageName": "signalStrength",
          "unit": "pct"
          "deviceReadingId": 1807,
          "messageId": 402,
          "readingValue": 85,
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:20:15.414-08:00",
          "devicePropertyId": 24,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "Battery level",
          "messageName": "batteryLevel",
          "unit": "pct"
          "deviceReadingId": 1806,
          "messageId": 402,
          "readingValue": 22,
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:20:15.414-08:00",
          "devicePropertyId": 23,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "yAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec"
          "deviceReadingId": 1805,
          "messageId": 402,
          "readingValue": 3,
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:20:15.414-08:00",
          "devicePropertyId": 22,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "xAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec"

HTTP Request


Query parameters

You can filter devices using the following (optional) query parameters:

Parameter Type Description
search string Optional. Search term. If specified, all other query parameters will be ignored. Will search for approximate matches across deviceName, deviceTypeName, vendorDeviceId, asset name, and location name.
deviceName string Optional. The device name.
deviceTypeId integer[] Optional. Unique identifier for the device type associated with the device. More than one deviceTypeId may be passed. Use an array format when passing this parameter: ?deviceTypeId[]=5&deviceTypeId[]=6. Passing this parameter without the array format will result in a 400 error.
upkeepCoreAssetName string Optional. The asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationName string Optional. The location associated with the device.
vendorDeviceId string Optional. Vendor provided unique identifier for the device.

For convenience, the GET /devices endpoint augments the device object with the following additional entities:

Get a device


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "deviceId": 1,
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-03 15:18:37.754004-08",
    "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "heartbeat": null,
    "updatedAt": null,
    "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
    "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
    "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
    "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
    "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
    "deviceType": {
      "deviceTypeId": 5,
      "deviceTypeName": "Custom Vibration",
      "deviceProvider": "custom",
      "vendorName": "Acme",
      "vendorModel": "XP-7",
      "deviceProperties": [
          "devicePropertyId": 24,
          "propertyName": "Battery level",
          "messageName": "batteryLevel",
          "unit": "pct"
          "devicePropertyId": 25,
          "propertyName": "Signal strength",
          "messageName": "signalStrength",
          "unit": "pct"
          "devicePropertyId": 22,
          "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "xAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec"
          "devicePropertyId": 23,
          "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "yAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec"

HTTP Request


URL parameter

Parameter Type Description
deviceId string Unique identifier for the device.

Update a device


curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #4"


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "deviceId": 6,
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-04 15:56:40.93147-08",
    "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #4",
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "heartbeat": null,
    "updatedAt": null,
    "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
    "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
    "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
    "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
    "vendorDeviceId": "531l2mkZ"

HTTP Request


POST body parameters

You must send the full set of alert parameters (the same parameters that are required when you first create a device).

You also cannot change an existing device's deviceType or vendorDeviceId with this endpoint. If you wish to change either of those properties, you will need to delete the device and then re-create it.

Parameter Type Description
deviceName string The name of the device.
heartbeat integer Optional. The interval at which device will transmit readings.
upkeepCoreAssetId string Optional. Unique identifier for the asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreAssetName string Optional. The name of the asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationId string Optional. Unique identifier for the location associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationName string Optional. The name of the location associated with the device.

Delete a device


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "deviceId": 6,
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-04 15:56:40.93147-08",
    "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #4",
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "heartbeat": null,
    "updatedAt": null,
    "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
    "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
    "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
    "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
    "vendorDeviceId": "531l2mkZ"

HTTP Request


URL parameter

Parameter Type Description
deviceId string Unique identifier for the device.

Device readings

If you send data like this:

  "vendorDeviceId": "12345",
  "readingTimestamp": "2020-12-15T03:00:06.414Z",
  "xAxisVib": 17,
  "yAxisVib": 22

Edge will save the data like this:

  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "array"
  "data": [
      "deviceReadings": [
          "deviceReadingId": 1,
          "messageId": 1,
          "readingValue": 17,
          "readingTimestamp": "2020-12-15T03:00:06.414Z",
          "devicePropertyId": 8,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "vendorPropertyId": "0",
          "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "xAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec"
          "deviceReadingId": 2,
          "messageId": 1,
          "readingValue": 22,
          "readingTimestamp": "2020-12-15T03:00:06.414Z",
          "devicePropertyId": 9,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "vendorPropertyId": "1",
          "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "yAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec"

Each device generates device readings. Edge uses a "narrow table model" for device readings, meaning each device property (e.g. X-Axis Speed) gets its own row in the database and its own object in the JSON payload. This allows Edge to be flexible and accommodate a wide variety of devices that measure many different properties.

Device readings are transmitted to the Edge API in a "wide table format" (i.e. all properties are included in a single object with a single timestamp), and this raw wide table transmission is saved as a message in the Edge database, before being converted to the narrow table format.

The device readings object

  "deviceReadings": [
      "deviceReadingId": 1814,
      "devicePropertyId": 8,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "batteryLevel",
      "propertyName": "Battery level",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 91,
      "unit": "pct",
      "vendorPropertyId": null
      "deviceReadingId": 1815,
      "devicePropertyId": 9,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "signalStrength",
      "propertyName": "Signal strength",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 54,
      "unit": "pct",
      "vendorPropertyId": null
      "deviceReadingId": 1816,
      "devicePropertyId": 1,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "xAxisSpeed",
      "propertyName": "X-Axis Speed",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 5,
      "unit": "mm/sec",
      "vendorPropertyId": "0"
      "deviceReadingId": 1817,
      "devicePropertyId": 2,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "yAxisSpeed",
      "propertyName": "Y-Axis Speed",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 11,
      "unit": "mm/sec",
      "vendorPropertyId": "1"
      "deviceReadingId": 1818,
      "devicePropertyId": 3,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "zAxisSpeed",
      "propertyName": "Z-Axis Speed",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 18,
      "unit": "mm/sec",
      "vendorPropertyId": "2"
      "deviceReadingId": 1819,
      "devicePropertyId": 4,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "xAxisFrequency",
      "propertyName": "X-Axis Frequency",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 85,
      "unit": "Hz",
      "vendorPropertyId": "3"
      "deviceReadingId": 1820,
      "devicePropertyId": 5,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "yAxisFrequency",
      "propertyName": "Y-Axis Frequency",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 71,
      "unit": "Hz",
      "vendorPropertyId": "4"
      "deviceReadingId": 1821,
      "devicePropertyId": 6,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "zAxisFrequency",
      "propertyName": "Z-Axis Frequency",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 67,
      "unit": "Hz",
      "vendorPropertyId": "5"
      "deviceReadingId": 1822,
      "devicePropertyId": 7,
      "deviceTypeId": 1,
      "messageId": 405,
      "messageName": "dutyCycle",
      "propertyName": "Duty Cycle",
      "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
      "readingValue": 97,
      "unit": "pct",
      "vendorPropertyId": "6"


Device readings are grouped into an array by timestamp under a deviceReadings property. Each device reading has the following properties:

Property Type Description
deviceReadingId integer Unique identifier for the device reading.
devicePropertyId integer Unique identifier for the device property associated with the reading.
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifier for the device type associated with the reading.
messageId integer Unique identifier for the message associated with the reading.
messageName string The property name in a JSON-friendly format.
propertyName string The property name (e.g. "X-Axis Vibration").
readingTimestamp string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the reading was generated.
readingValue number The reading value.
unit string The units for the reading value.
vendorPropertyId string Optional. Vendor provided unique identifier for the device property.

Create a device reading


curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
  "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-09T19:50:06.414Z",
  "xAxisVib": 14,
  "yAxisVib": 25,
  "batteryLevel": 75,
  "signalStrength": 32


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "deviceId": 1,
    "messageId": 412,
    "messageTimestamp": "2021-03-09 11:50:06.414-08",
    "vendorMessageId": null,
    "deviceReadings": [
        "deviceReadingId": 1838,
        "messageId": 412,
        "readingValue": 14,
        "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-09T11:50:06.414-08:00",
        "devicePropertyId": 22,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "xAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec"
        "deviceReadingId": 1839,
        "messageId": 412,
        "readingValue": 25,
        "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-09T11:50:06.414-08:00",
        "devicePropertyId": 23,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "yAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec"
        "deviceReadingId": 1840,
        "messageId": 412,
        "readingValue": 75,
        "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-09T11:50:06.414-08:00",
        "devicePropertyId": 24,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Battery level",
        "messageName": "batteryLevel",
        "unit": "pct"
        "deviceReadingId": 1841,
        "messageId": 412,
        "readingValue": 32,
        "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-09T11:50:06.414-08:00",
        "devicePropertyId": 25,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "Signal strength",
        "messageName": "signalStrength",
        "unit": "pct"

HTTP Request


POST body parameters

Parameter Type Description
vendorDeviceId string Vendor provided unique identifier for the device.
readingTimestamp string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the reading was generated.
[readingValues] key: value pairs Add your readings in key: value pairs, with each key corresponding to the messageName you specified when creating the individual device property, and each value being the actual reading value.

Get device readings


curl \
-d startDate=2021-03-01T22:18:39-08:00
-d endDate=2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "array"
  "data": [
      "deviceReadings": [
          "deviceReadingId": 1814,
          "devicePropertyId": 8,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "batteryLevel",
          "propertyName": "Battery level",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 91,
          "unit": "pct",
          "vendorPropertyId": null
          "deviceReadingId": 1815,
          "devicePropertyId": 9,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "signalStrength",
          "propertyName": "Signal strength",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 54,
          "unit": "pct",
          "vendorPropertyId": null
          "deviceReadingId": 1816,
          "devicePropertyId": 1,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "xAxisSpeed",
          "propertyName": "X-Axis Speed",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 5,
          "unit": "mm/sec",
          "vendorPropertyId": "0"
          "deviceReadingId": 1817,
          "devicePropertyId": 2,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "yAxisSpeed",
          "propertyName": "Y-Axis Speed",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 11,
          "unit": "mm/sec",
          "vendorPropertyId": "1"
          "deviceReadingId": 1818,
          "devicePropertyId": 3,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "zAxisSpeed",
          "propertyName": "Z-Axis Speed",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 18,
          "unit": "mm/sec",
          "vendorPropertyId": "2"
          "deviceReadingId": 1819,
          "devicePropertyId": 4,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "xAxisFrequency",
          "propertyName": "X-Axis Frequency",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 85,
          "unit": "Hz",
          "vendorPropertyId": "3"
          "deviceReadingId": 1820,
          "devicePropertyId": 5,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "yAxisFrequency",
          "propertyName": "Y-Axis Frequency",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 71,
          "unit": "Hz",
          "vendorPropertyId": "4"
          "deviceReadingId": 1821,
          "devicePropertyId": 6,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "zAxisFrequency",
          "propertyName": "Z-Axis Frequency",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 67,
          "unit": "Hz",
          "vendorPropertyId": "5"
          "deviceReadingId": 1822,
          "devicePropertyId": 7,
          "deviceTypeId": 1,
          "messageId": 405,
          "messageName": "dutyCycle",
          "propertyName": "Duty Cycle",
          "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-03T15:31:18-08:00",
          "readingValue": 97,
          "unit": "pct",
          "vendorPropertyId": "6"

HTTP Request


URL & Query parameters

Note that you must provide a date range (startDate and endDate parameters) as query parameters.

Parameter Type Description
deviceId string Url parameter. Unique identifier for the device.
startDate string ISO 8601 timestamp. Start date for the readings.
endDate string ISO 8601 timestamp. End date for the readings.


Alerts are used to highlight when device readings exceed or fall below a certain threshold. Once you set an alert for a particular device, any time Edge detects an out of range reading, Edge will send the appropriate email and/or text notifications and also create an incident to track how long a particular device spends out of range.

The alert object

  "alertId": 2,
  "active": true,
  "alertName": "High vibration alert",
  "companyId": 1,
  "createdAt": "2021-03-09 15:44:39.974498-08",
  "deviceTypeId": 5,
  "duration": 30,
  "updatedAt": null,
  "alertProperties": [
      "alertPropertyId": 2,
      "devicePropertyId": 22,
      "deviceTypeId": 5,
      "messageName": "xAxisVib",
      "operator": "gt",
      "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
      "threshold": 20,
      "unit": "mm/sec"
      "vendorPropertyId": null,
  "alertDevices": [
      "deviceId": 1,
      "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
      "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
      "heartbeat": null,
      "deviceTypeId": 5,
      "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
      "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
      "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
      "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor"
  "alertRecipients": [
      "alertRecipientId": 2,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phoneNumber": "+13159038571"


Property Type Description
alertId integer Unique identifier for the alert.
active boolean Whether the alert is on or off.
alertName string The alert name.
companyId integer Unique identifer for the company associated with the alert.
createdAt string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the alert was created.
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifer for the device type with which the alert is associated.
duration integer The amount of time, in minutes, Edge should wait before triggering an alert when readings are out of range.
updatedAt string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the alert was updated.
alertProperties array of objects An array of the properties to check. See the alertProperties object below.
alertDevices array of objects An array of the devices associated with the alert.
alertRecipients array of objects Optional. An array of recipients to be notified when an alert is triggered.

Alert properties

The objects in the alert properties array include all the usual deviceProperties plus the following:

Property Type Description
alertPropertyId integer Unique identifier for the alert property.
operator string Can be gt (greater than) or lt (less than).
threshold number The threshold above or below which will trigger an alert.

Devices with more than one device property can have more than one alert property.

Create an alert


curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "alertName": "High vibration alert",
  "deviceTypeId": 5,
  "alertDevices": [
      "deviceId": 1
  "alertProperties": [
      "devicePropertyId": 22,
      "threshold": 20,
      "operator": "gt"
  "alertRecipients": [
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phoneNumber": "+13159038571"
  "duration": 30


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "alertId": 2,
    "active": true,
    "alertName": "High vibration alert",
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-09 15:44:39.974498-08",
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "duration": 30,
    "updatedAt": null,
    "alertProperties": [
        "alertPropertyId": 2,
        "threshold": 20,
        "operator": "gt",
        "devicePropertyId": 22,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "xAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec"
    "alertDevices": [
        "deviceId": 1,
        "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
        "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
        "heartbeat": null,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
        "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
        "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
        "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor"
    "alertRecipients": [
        "alertRecipientId": 2,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phoneNumber": "+13159038571"

HTTP Request


POST body parameters

Parameter Type Description
alertName string The alert name.
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifer for the device type with which the alert is associated.
duration integer The amount of time, in minutes, Edge should wait before triggering an alert when readings are out of range.
alertProperties array of objects An array of the properties to check. See the alertProperties object below.
alertDevices array of objects An array of the devices associated with the alert.
alertRecipients array of objects Optional. An array of recipients to be notified when an alert is triggered.

Alert properties

The objects in the alert properties array include all the usual deviceProperties plus the following:

Parameter Type Description
alertPropertyId integer Unique identifier for the alert property.
operator string Can be gt (greater than) or lt (less than).
threshold number The threshold above or below which will trigger an alert.

Get alerts


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "array"
  "data": [
      "alertId": 2,
      "companyId": 1,
      "deviceTypeId": 5,
      "alertName": "High vibration alert",
      "active": true,
      "duration": 30,
      "oldAlertId": null,
      "createdAt": "2021-03-09 15:44:39.974498-08",
      "updatedAt": null,
      "alertProperties": [
          "alertPropertyId": 2,
          "threshold": 20,
          "operator": "gt",
          "devicePropertyId": 22,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "vendorPropertyId": null,
          "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
          "messageName": "xAxisVib",
          "unit": "mm/sec"
      "alertDevices": [
          "deviceId": 1,
          "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
          "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
          "heartbeat": null,
          "deviceTypeId": 5,
          "deviceTypeName": "Custom Vibration",
          "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
          "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
          "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
          "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor"
      "alertRecipients": [
          "alertRecipientId": 2,
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "phoneNumber": "+13159038571"

HTTP Request


Query parameters

There are no query parameters for this endpoint.

Get an alert


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "alertId": 2,
    "companyId": 1,
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "alertName": "High vibration alert",
    "active": true,
    "duration": 30,
    "oldAlertId": null,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-09 15:44:39.974498-08",
    "updatedAt": null,
    "alertProperties": [
        "alertPropertyId": 2,
        "threshold": 20,
        "operator": "gt",
        "devicePropertyId": 22,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "xAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec"
    "alertDevices": [
        "deviceId": 1,
        "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
        "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
        "heartbeat": null,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
        "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
        "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
        "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor"
    "alertRecipients": [
        "alertRecipientId": 2,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phoneNumber": "+13159038571"

HTTP Request


URL parameter

Parameter Type Description
alertId integer Unique identifier for the alert.

Toggle an alert


curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "active": false


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "alertId": 2,
    "companyId": 1,
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "alertName": "High vibration alert",
    "active": false,
    "duration": 30,
    "oldAlertId": null,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-09 15:44:39.974498-08",
    "updatedAt": "2021-03-09 17:20:38.593743-08",
    "alertProperties": [
        "alertPropertyId": 2,
        "threshold": 20,
        "operator": "gt",
        "devicePropertyId": 22,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "xAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec"
    "alertDevices": [
        "deviceId": 1,
        "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
        "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
        "heartbeat": null,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
        "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
        "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
        "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor"
    "alertRecipients": [
        "alertRecipientId": 2,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phoneNumber": "+13159038571"

HTTP Request


URL parameter

Parameter Type Description
alertId integer Unique identifier for the alert.

Post body parameter

Parameter Type Description
active integer Unique identifier for the alert.

Update an alert


curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "alertName": "Low vibration alert",
  "deviceTypeId": 5,
  "alertDevices": [
      "deviceId": 1
  "alertProperties": [
      "devicePropertyId": 22,
      "threshold": 5,
      "operator": "lt"
  "alertRecipients": [
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phoneNumber": "+13159038571"
  "duration": 30


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "alertId": 2,
    "companyId": 1,
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "alertName": "Low vibration alert",
    "active": false,
    "duration": 30,
    "oldAlertId": null,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-09 15:44:39.974498-08",
    "updatedAt": "2021-03-09 17:40:56.327501-08",
    "alertProperties": [
        "alertPropertyId": 3,
        "threshold": 5,
        "operator": "lt",
        "devicePropertyId": 22,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "vendorPropertyId": null,
        "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
        "messageName": "xAxisVib",
        "unit": "mm/sec"
    "alertDevices": [
        "deviceId": 1,
        "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
        "vendorDeviceId": "3kkvelL23",
        "heartbeat": null,
        "deviceTypeId": 5,
        "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
        "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
        "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
        "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor"
    "alertRecipients": [
        "alertRecipientId": 3,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phoneNumber": "+13159038571"

HTTP Request


POST body parameters

You must send the full set of alert parameters (the same parameters that are required when you first create an alert).

Parameter Type Description
alertName string The alert name.
deviceTypeId integer Unique identifer for the device type with which the alert is associated.
duration integer The amount of time, in minutes, Edge should wait before triggering an alert when readings are out of range.
alertProperties array of objects An array of the properties to check. See the alertProperties object below.
alertDevices array of objects An array of the devices associated with the alert.
alertRecipients array of objects Optional. An array of recipients to be notified when an alert is triggered.

Alert properties

The objects in the alert properties array include all the usual deviceProperties plus the following:

Parameter Type Description
alertPropertyId integer Unique identifier for the alert property.
operator string Can be gt (greater than) or lt (less than).
threshold number The threshold above or below which will trigger an alert.

Delete an alert


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "alertId": 2,
    "companyId": 1,
    "deviceTypeId": 5,
    "alertName": "Low vibration alert",
    "active": false,
    "duration": 30,
    "oldAlertId": null,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-09 15:44:39.974498-08",
    "updatedAt": "2021-03-09 17:40:56.327501-08"

HTTP Request


URL parameter

Parameter Type Description
alertId integer Unique identifier for the alert.


Incidents are created whenever an alert is triggered. For example, if you set an alert on a temperature device for 75 °F, and the device emits a reading of 78 °F, Edge will create an "active" incident. Subsequent out or range readings will be added to the incident. Once an in range reading is detected, the incident will be marked as "resolved".

The incidents object

  "incidentId": 1,
  "alertId": 1,
  "alertName": "Primary alert",
  "companyId": 1,
  "createdAt": "2021-03-10 17:58:16.4001-08",
  "deviceId": 1,
  "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
  "incidentStatus": "active",
  "resolvedAt": null,
  "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
  "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
  "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
  "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
  "incidentMessages": [
      "messageId": 400001,
      "incidentStatusAtMessage": "active",
      "deviceId": 1,
      "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
      "vendorMessageId": null,
      "messageTimestamp": "2021-03-10T17:55:06.414-08:00"


Property Type Description
incidentId integer Unique identifier for the incident.
alertId integer Unique identifier for the alert associated with incident.
alertName string The alert associated with the incident.
companyId integer Unique identifier for the company associated with the incident.
createdAt string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the incident was created.
deviceId integer Unique identifier for the device associated with the incident.
deviceName string Name of the device associated with the incident.
incidentStatus string Will be "active" for active incidents and "resolved" for resolved incidents.
resolvedAt string ISO 8601 timestamp. When the incident was resolved.
upkeepCoreAssetId string Optional. Unique identifier for the asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreAssetName string Optional. The name of the asset associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationId string Optional. Unique identifier for the location associated with the device.
upkeepCoreLocationName string Optional. The name of the location associated with the device.
incidentMessages array of objects An array of device messages (which point to readings) associated with the incident.

Get incidents


curl \
-d startDate=2021-03-11T01:50:06Z
-d endDate=2021-03-11T01:59:06Z


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "array"
  "data": [
      "incidentId": 1,
      "alertId": 1,
      "alertName": "Primary alert",
      "companyId": 1,
      "createdAt": "2021-03-10 17:58:16.4001-08",
      "deviceId": 1,
      "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
      "incidentStatus": "active",
      "oldIncidentId": null,
      "resolvedAt": null,
      "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
      "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
      "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
      "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
      "incidentMessages": [
          "messageId": 400001,
          "incidentStatusAtMessage": "active",
          "deviceId": 1,
          "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
          "vendorMessageId": null,
          "messageTimestamp": "2021-03-10T17:55:06.414-08:00"

HTTP Request


Query parameters

Note that you must provide a date range (startDate and endDate parameters) as query parameters.

Parameter Type Description
startDate string ISO 8601 timestamp. Start date for the readings.
endDate string ISO 8601 timestamp. End date for the readings.
search string Optional. Search incidents by incident status, alert name, or device name.

Get an incident


curl \


  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "incidentId": 1,
    "alertId": 1,
    "alertName": "Primary alert",
    "companyId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2021-03-10 17:58:16.4001-08",
    "deviceId": 1,
    "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
    "incidentStatus": "active",
    "resolvedAt": null,
    "upkeepCoreAssetId": "mxYOMsWAjO",
    "upkeepCoreAssetName": "HVAC",
    "upkeepCoreLocationId": "TK6PSOFrCu",
    "upkeepCoreLocationName": "7th floor",
    "incidentMessages": [
        "messageId": 400001,
        "incidentStatusAtMessage": "active",
        "deviceId": 1,
        "deviceName": "Assembly line sensor #8",
        "vendorMessageId": null,
        "messageTimestamp": "2021-03-10T17:55:06.414-08:00",
        "deviceReadings": [
            "deviceReadingId": 1800001,
            "messageId": 400001,
            "readingValue": 55,
            "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-10T17:55:06.414-08:00",
            "devicePropertyId": 22,
            "deviceTypeId": 5,
            "vendorPropertyId": null,
            "propertyName": "X-Axis Vibration",
            "messageName": "xAxisVib",
            "unit": "mm/sec"
            "deviceReadingId": 1800002,
            "messageId": 400001,
            "readingValue": 13,
            "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-10T17:55:06.414-08:00",
            "devicePropertyId": 23,
            "deviceTypeId": 5,
            "vendorPropertyId": null,
            "propertyName": "Y-Axis Vibration",
            "messageName": "yAxisVib",
            "unit": "mm/sec"
            "deviceReadingId": 1800003,
            "messageId": 400001,
            "readingValue": 75,
            "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-10T17:55:06.414-08:00",
            "devicePropertyId": 24,
            "deviceTypeId": 5,
            "vendorPropertyId": null,
            "propertyName": "Battery level",
            "messageName": "batteryLevel",
            "unit": "pct"
            "deviceReadingId": 1800004,
            "messageId": 400001,
            "readingValue": 32,
            "readingTimestamp": "2021-03-10T17:55:06.414-08:00",
            "devicePropertyId": 25,
            "deviceTypeId": 5,
            "vendorPropertyId": null,
            "propertyName": "Signal strength",
            "messageName": "signalStrength",
            "unit": "pct"

HTTP Request


Note that the response for a single incident provides all device readings associated with each incident message.

URL parameter

Parameter Type Description
incidentId integer Unique identifier for the incident.

Respond to an incident


curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "action": "work-orders",

RESPONSE (will include work-order or request data as appropriate)

  "meta": {
    "dataFormat": "object"
  "data": {
    "id": "6yDTWLAEmh",
    "workOrderNo": "006",
    "title": "Device Ana Prod North Gate is out of range",
    "description": "Alert: Ana Prod Alert",
    "status": "open",
    "dueDate": "2021-03-09T07:20:22.310Z",
    "asset": "knyWfDnXWo",
    "location": "cXRAu708NU",
    "createdAt": "2021-03-09T07:56:53.743Z",
    "updatedAt": null

You can create a work order or request in response to a specific incident.

HTTP Request


POST body parameters

Parameter Type Description
action string The action to perform in response to the incident. Can either be "work-orders" or "requests".